Indian army official Facebook page wiki|facts,official website,motto
Indian army official Facebook page wiki|facts,official website,motto
One of the most powerful armies of the world,the Indian army has its own reputation in the entire world.Indian army showed its valor in a series of wars like Indo-Pak war (1965), Bangladesh liberation war(1971),Kargil war(1999) and many more.But contribution of Indian army is just not limited to its very own country.Very few might know about the fact that Indian army is the largest contributor of troops to UN since its inception.Till now India has contributed more than 1,60,000 troops who took part in 43 peacekeeping missions.There is a long list of interesting stories,facts about Indian army that will make you feel proud but in this article our focus would be to share with you some details like its official Facebook page and other details mentioned in the heading.
Indian army official Facebook page wiki|facts,official website,motto
Indian army official facebook page wiki
Indian Army was founded on 1 April,1895.Major Somnath Sharma,Major Shaitan Singh,Captain Vikram Batra,Captain Manoj Kumar pandey etc. are some of the actual heroes of this country.Read some other details about Indian Army.
Founded on : 1 April,1895
Motto : “service before self ”
Facebook page : Indian Army
Website : ARMY
How to join : Joining process
News about Indian army’s official Facebook page :
Indian army’s official Facebook page was created on June 1,2013.Indian army has topped the popularity chart on social networking site Facebook beating some of the pages of foreign government organisation page like CIA,NASA,FBI and Pakistani.Interestingly no person from Pakistan can visit Indian army’s page while no Indian can visit Pakistan’s page (based on Geo location).This was all about Indian army official Facebook page wiki|facts,official website,motto