JERRY JONES Net Worth 2016
How much is JERRY JONES net worth: Nowadays our fans ask a lot of questions about JERRY JONES, such as how much is JERRY JONES’s net worth and wealth in 2016, how much is JERRY JONES’s annual salary and earnings, What are JERRY JONES’s sources of wealth, and how much is JERRY JONES’s height and weight body measurements.
We bring to our fans the informations about JERRY JONES from a number of our credible sources.
JERRY JONES is an American Entrepreneur, born on October 13, 1942 in Los Angeles, California, USA his birth sign is the Libra, and his birth name is Jerrel Wayne Jones.
JERRY JONES has been popular for being a very successful businessman; who invested on an oil business in Arkansas called Jones Oil and Land Lease which generated huge benefits, and also invested on Dallas Cowboys which owned in 1989, he had the reputation of one of the league’s wealthiest owners.
JERRY JONES was playing football at North Little Rock High School, Jones was a Running back, and an all-Southwest Conference offensive lineman for Hall of Fame coach Frank Broyles and a teammate of Jimmy Johnson.
JERRY JONES studied at Iowa State University, the University of Pittsburgh and at the University of Tennessee.
JERRY JONES started his business career after working as an executive vice president at his father’s insurance company called Modern Security Life of Springfield, JONES started Jones Oil and Land Lease; his first successful business.
JERRY JONES has been married to Eugenia Chambers since 1963, they have 3 children named Stephen, Charlotte and Jerry, Jr. Stephen.
JERRY JONES Net Worth (Forbes) Salary and Wealth in 2016:
JERRY JONES’s net worth is around $4.2 Billion
JERRY JONES’s salary per year is not available
JERRY JONES’s source of wealth: Entrepreneur
JERRY JONES height and weight 2016
JERRY JONES’s height is not available
JERRY JONES’s weight is not available
Eyes color: Blue
Hair Color: White
(Biceps Size, Hips size, Dress Size, Body measurements, Bra Size, Arms / Biceps size, Chest size, Waist size, Shoe Size): are not available
JERRY JONES personal Quotes
Nobody is thinking they’re going to come out here and put a team here and become a multimillionaire. I don’t know anybody that comes into the NFL like that.