Jeremy Parisi Net Worth
Male model and professional Jiu-Jitsu and judo fighter Jeremy Parisi has a body that’s really worth the attention but he became famous especially lately thanks to his relationship with Kelly Brook that started in 2015. The hot couple is definitely a camera magnet especially when tehy are together on a beach wearing nothing but swimwear. Parisi is a successful model and his total net worth is estimated to be $600,000 as of 2015.
Parisi loves movies with Al Pacino and Robert de Niro and Italian food. He likes to stress out his Italian ancestry. In 2015, he celebrated his 30th birthday. He worked originally as a judo and Jiu-Jitsu competitor. But his great physical shape brought him also to male modeling. Great opportunity to increase his net worth.
Hot model Kelly Brook became his girlfriend this year and media immediately started to follow closely this relationship. So far they look crazy in love and accroding to several sources they are already engaged. Kelly belives that marriage is really close. We wish them luck.
Kelly Brook has four failed engagements in her dating history so it would be nice to find finally Mr. Right One. Jeremy Parisi and Kelly are really gorgeous couple and imagine how hot their offsprings would be. So far, they are hanging out mostly in Los Angeles and post enamored pictures on their social media accounts.