How Much Does Gum Grafting Cost
Everyone wants to look amazing. Some dye their hair and braid it. Some wear preppy clothes and others wear fancy specs. Ladies put their make-up on. Women put their red lipstick and men style their hair. This all is to look good, to look attractive, and to give nice impression to others whether you’re on a party or an overwhelming reunion or you’re on graduation.
Whatever the commotion is, there will always be countless photo taking to happen. Your aunt may flash you up with their old model cameras, or your friend may steal some moments by selfies with their phones. And smile is the first defense to not look awkward and ugly on random photos. But many have stopped smiling. Why? Because of gum recession. It is quiet embarrassing to see the root of your tooth in every snap. Have that fixed by gum grafting. So how much does gum grafting cost?
Cost of Gum Graft
The recession of gum has many causes. Dr. Elly Tehrani, DMD, MSD, of Bloor West Village Periodontics unveiled the reasons of gum recession on a question. The reasons are: aggressive brushing, orthodontic treatment, concave abfraction lesions on the roots caused by clenching and grinding, smoking, and lastly, the patient may have genetically thick gums.
Gum recession surgery cost assorts depending on your location, number of area, and your preferred periodontal clinics. An anonymous person shared his experience at Experience Project with his gum recession surgery and the total cost he had spent. According to the statement, he spent approximately $3,000 for 6 areas. The initial consultation fee was $80, filling the prescription got him to spend $50, the graft on the first tooth cost $1,200. Five more areas are needed to be grafted that cost $220 per tooth, a total of $1100. He also spent $500 for biologic materials for fast healing and $149 for the nitrous oxide.
On the Northern part of America, cost of gum graft is typically $1,000 to $2,000 per tooth, expenses for sedation anesthesia is excluded. The prices of sedatives vary according to type. Nitrous oxide is a good sedative that is mixed with oxygen and given to patients through a mask. Nitrous oxide price is $50. Oral sedation is approximately $245, while intravenous sedative is $560 or higher.
In some areas, gum recession surgery costs $600 up to $1,200 for a single procedure. The price depends on the extensiveness of the surgery. These fees sometimes do not include the consultation fee, anesthesia, and the prescription that comes afterwards. You can ask for quote and estimation to the nearest dental clinic.
Tooth contouring is sometimes suggested by dentists and periodontist after a gum graft. It removes small amount of tooth enamel to have the desired tooth length, size, shape, or surface. The price of tooth reshaping costs $50 to $300 depending on the number of teeth to be reshaped. This fee is usually summed to the gum graft fee, in total of $1,500 to $3,000. On the other hand, gum contouring can also be a choice to make the gums look more pleasing. Gum contouring cost $1,000 and higher.
How to Reduce the Spending
How much does gum graft cost? With the reference above, the cost will go as much as thousand bucks. But this cost can be reduced. Medicare and other insurance cover expenses for dental surgeries that may lessen the cost of gum graft. Medicare clearly claimed that they do not cover expenses for most dental care, dental procedures, and supplies like cleaning, fillings, tooth extractions, dental plates and other dental proceedings. But Medicare Plan A covers expenses you get dental services on hospitals. With insurance, the total bill may be reduced 50% to 80% and out-of-pocket will be superb less.
Try to consider referrals, too. Read comments and reviews online to help you find the right periodontist. Talk to your dentist about your financial concern so they may provide practical alternatives that will fit in your pocket.
Donkey Smile On
The healing process may go for a week or two depending on the gum graft performed. Gum graft may be done by taking a piece of tissue from roof of the mouth and replacing it to the receded area. Otherwise, donor tissue can be used for the gum graft. That means no cutting of gums which will result to less painful surgery.
If the tissue used was from your own gums, the pain will cause you great discomfort and the healing process is a bit longer. Specific mouthwash, pain relievers, and antibiotics will be prescribed to you for better, faster healing. WebMD gave reminders to gum graft patient. After the surgery, the patient must eat soft foods for couple of weeks or more. Easy-to-swallow foods like eggs, pasta, Jelly-O, yogurt, cheese, well-cooked veggies, and ice creams are suggested. It is also noteworthy to not use floss and to not brush the gum line that was repaired unless the area has healed.
The ultimate Q and A is: how much does gum grafting cost? We can smilingly estimate the total cost from $1,500 to $4,500 for two areas including the sedative, filling the prescription, and consultation. With insurance, the gum recession surgery cost will be $600 to $2,000 (assuming 60% coinsurance).
If gum recession turns severe, dental complications like bone loss may come up. But it can be avoided if prevented wisely. Having healthy dental care is a must. Smokers must quit smoking before their gums gets mad. Every individual must have sufficient oral hygiene. A couple of dental checkup in a year is recommended.
People tend to be self-conscious. We always want to look good. We do everything to have more pleasing appearance even if it means spending hundred to thousand bucks. Getting gum graft doesn’t mean you’re obsessive with your looks. Not only it makes our “smile” a smile, but it also promotes healthy oral care.