Denzel Washington Net Worth 2016
How much is Denzel Washington net worth : Nowadays our fans ask a lot of questions about Denzel Washington, such as how much is Denzel Washington’s net worth and wealth in 2016, how much is Denzel Washington’s annual salary and earnings, What are Denzel Washington’s sources of wealth ,and how much is Denzel Washington’s height and weight body measurements.
We bring to our fans the informations about Denzel Washington from a number of our credible sources.
About Denzel Washington
Denzel Washington is an American Movie actor, born on December 28, 1954 in Mount Vernon, New York, USA his birth sign is the Capricorn, and his birth name is Denzel Hayes Washington Jr.
Denzel Washington is an actor, producer, and director has been popular for his in the 2001 film Training Day for which he won an Academy Award for Best Actor, he is known for such other roles as Herman Boone in the 2000 Film Remember the Titans, Rubin Carter in the 1999 film The Hurricane and Spike Lee in the 1992 film Malcolm X.
Denzel Washington studied at Oakland Military Academy in Oakland then he joined Mainland High School in Florida.
Denzel Washington started his acting career as Robert Eldridge in the 1977 TV film The Wilma Rudolph Story.
Denzel Washington’s parents are Denzel Washington, Sr. a politician and Lennis Lynne Washington a Beautician and operator, he has one brother named David Washington and one sister named Lorice Washington.
Denzel Washington has been married to Pauletta Washington since 2012, they have four children.
Denzel Washington played in several films and TV series such as:
The Magnificent Seven in 2016
The Equalizer in 2014
2 Guns in 2013
A Raisin in the Sun in 2014
Fences in 2010
Julius Caesar in 2005
Denzel Washington Net Worth (Forbes) Salary and Wealth in 2016:
Denzel Washington’s net worth is around $ 190 Million
Denzel Washington’s salary per year is not available
Denzel Washington’s source of wealth: Movie actor
Denzel Washington height and weight 2016
Denzel Washington’s height is 6 FT 1 or 1.85 m like:
Jim Caviezel the American actor
Dennis Farina the American actor
Gil Gerard the American actor
Mark Pellegrino the American actor
Denzel Washington’s weight is 176 lbs or 80 Kg
Eyes color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Shoe Size: 11 US
(Biceps Size, Hips size, Body measurements, Bra Size, Chest size, Waist size, Arms / Biceps size, Dress Size): are not available
Denzel Washington personal Quotes
Black or white good parts are hard to come by. A good actor with a good opportunity has a shot; without the opportunity it doesn’t matter how good you are.